Centralino 0773/6521

The plan of the city


The draft of Littoria is redacted almost secretly by the Architect Frezzotti, with the help of technical information by the engineer Savoia. The nucleus of the settlement, the town hall and the ancillary services was particularly modest, the overall spirit is similar to the one that characterized the nineteenth -century villages, almost by the Architectural books.

Then came the appropriation of Mussolini, the international success and the complicity of some powers,increasing the size of the city and its magnificent spread gradually from the central square until the outer perimeter of the city.
The city imagined by its designer Oriolo Frezzotti spreads throughout the surrounding area with a mesh of radial roads that leave from the area of Cancello del Quadrato, now Piazza del Popolo. The plan of Littoria, which is a combination of the radial pattern of concentric circles, was object in the 30s of the European debate on the development of the modern city. Studies on the importance of the Renaissance city “radial-concentric” model, leads to “a spider’s web” that will extend into villages surrounding the historic core.

In the period between 1934 and 1936, the architect Giuseppe Nicolosi on behalf of ICP (Institute housing), designed a neighborhood of 500 housing accommodations, following the European standards of the time for size and manner of execution of works. The train station, initially modest, was reconsidered according the new targets in the city. The project was entrusted to the futurist architect Angiolo Mazzoni, who also will draw the seat of the post office. The studies and plans by Frezzotti, always sensitive to external events and both to those internal to the city, and the modification of architectural styles, are today an illustrated history of the transition from the first rustic setting up, to the monumental palace “M” which has arrived driven by the Italian-German relations.



The master plan of Littoria of 1932 (Architect Frezzotti)